Sainik School Entrance Examination
Every year thousands of young aspirants appear for the All India Sainik School Entrance Examination (AISSEE) for classes VI and IX. The National Testing Agency (NTA) conducts this examination in the month of January each year. After the examination, the students anxiously wait for the result of the exam. The Sainik School Exam Result is declared in the last week of February or the first week of March. The result is hosted on the official website of NTA that can be accessed using the link https://aissee.nta.nic.in/ The Sainik School exam result is also available on the official website of the respective Sainik School. You can also access the website for any information regarding a particular Sainik School.
The websites of respective Sainik Schools are:
1. Andhra Pradesh Sainik School, Korukonda http://www.sainikschoolkorukonda.org
2. Sainik School, Kalikiri http://www.kalikirisainikschool.com
3. Arunachal Pradesh Sainik School, East Siang http://www.sainikschooleastsiang.com
4. Assam Sainik School, Goalpara http://www.sainikschoolgoalpara.org
5. Bihar Sainik School, Nalanda http://sainikschoolnalanda.bih.nic.in/SSNL.html
6. Sainik School, Gopalganj http://www.ssgopalganj.in/
7. Chattisgarh Sainik School, Ambikapur http://sainikschoolambikapur.org.in/home.html
8. Gujarat Sainik School, Balachadi https://www.ssbalachadi.org/
9. Haryana Sainik School, Kunjpura https://www.sskunjpura.org/
10. Sainik School, Rewari http://www.ssrw.org/
11. Himachal Pradesh Sainik School, SujanpurTira http://www.sainikschoolsujanpurtira.org/
12. J & K Sainik School, Nagrota http://sainikschoolnagrota.com/
13. Jharkhand Sainik School, Tilaiya http://www.sainikschooltilaiya.org/
14. Karnataka Sainik School, Bijapur https://ssbj.in/
15. Sainik School, Kodagu http://sainikschoolkodagu.edu.in/
16. Kerala Sainik School, Kazhakootam https://www.sainikschooltvm.nic.in/
17 Madhya Pradesh Sainik School, Rewa http://www.sainikschoolrewa.ac.in/
18. Maharashtra Sainik School, Satara https://www.sainiksatara.org/
19. Sainik School, Chandrapur https://sainikschoolchandrapur.com/
20. Manipur Sainik School, Imphal https://ssimphal.nic.in/
21. Mizoram Sainik School, Chhingchhip https://ssimphal.nic.in/
22. Nagaland Sainik School, Punglwa https://sainikschoolpunglwa.nic.in/
23. Odisha Sainik School, Bhubaneswar http://sainikschoolbhubaneswar.org/
24. Sainik School, Sambalpur http://www.sainikschoolsambalpur.in/
25. Punjab Sainik School, Kapurthala http://www.sskapurthala.com/
26. Rajasthan Sainik School, Chittorgarh http://www.sschittorgarh.com/
27. Sainik School, Jhunjhunu https://ssjhunjhunu.com/
28. Tamil Nadu Sainik School, Amaravathinagar http://www.sainikschoolamaravathinagar.edu.in/
29. Uttar Pradesh Sainik School, Mainpuri https://www.sainikschoolmainpuri.com/
30. Sainik School, Jhansi https://ssjhansi.co.in/
31. Sainik School, Amethi https://sainikschoolamethi.com
32. Uttarakhand Sainik School, Ghorakhal https://www.ssghorakhal.org/
33. West Bengal Sainik School, Purulia http://sainikschoolpurulia.com/
How to check the Sainik School exam result?
- Visit the NTA portal i.e http://aissee.nta.nic.in
- Click the link “Check Result – AISSEE 2022”.
- Enter your roll number or the registration number along with the security PIN to check your marks.
Shaurya Bharat’s result in AISSEE 2022
Shaurya Bharat app has given 100% result in AISSEE 2022 held on 09 January 2022. Our students cleared the written examination with flying colors. They have scored excellent marks and made us proud. 100% result is a clear indicator of the quality and excellence of Shauruya Bharat.
How to crack AISSEE?
Clearing AISSEE requires thorough preparation for a period of one year. Studying at the Shaurya Bharat app is the best way to secure a seat at Sainik School. The expert guidance of the faculties and mentors helps the students a long way in preparing for the exam. Carefully penned notes, interactive live classes, and pre-recorded video lectures provide the best content. Practice tests help to understand and practice a topic to perfection. Pattern live exams help students to face and overcome every challenge and be ready for the main exam.
To know more about the Shaurya Bharat app logon to https://shauryabharat.com/
Use the following link to download the Shaurya Bharat app – The best digital platform to prepare for the Sainik School entrance examination: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.shauryabharat