What are military hospitals?
A military hospital is a hospital owned and operated by the armed forces. Military hospitals and clinics are the core of the Military Health System. They are generally reserved for the use of military personnel and their dependents, but in some countries are made available to civilians as well. In India, there are 112 Military Hospitals, 12 Air Force Hospitals, and 10 Naval Hospitals across all states in India. This post throws light on the life in Military Hospitals of doctors and nursing assistants.
About Army Medical Corps
Armed Forces Medical Services is the first tri-service (Army, Navy, and Air Force) organization and one of the largest organized medical services in the country. It has state-of-the-art tertiary care hospitals and excellent specialty centers. It provides medical support to the Armed Forces during the war. Not only during the war, but the AMC also provides complete healthcare to all service personnel, ex-servicemen, and their dependents during peace. Army Medical Corps provides medical aid during natural calamities both at national and international levels.
The Army Medical Corps (AMC) is one of the best options available to medical professionals in our country. The AMC provides a great opportunity and a highly professional environment along above all dignity and self-esteem. It offers a golden opportunity to be a part of India’s finest service. People at AMC get trained not only to be good medical professionals and a gentleman but also highly skilled professionals. Army Medical Corps promises both professional and personal growth at every stage of people’s careers. In addition to professional growth and development, the adventure and extra-curricular activities in the service ensure the all-round development of the recruits. This learning and all-around development help them a great deal in leading a successful life. Apart from attractive pay and perks, the service offers the best in lifestyle and professional growth.
What AMC offers to Nursing Assistants in the Indian Army?
The AMC offers great job satisfaction and pride to Nursing Assistants recruited in the Indian Army. Army Medical Corps provides the following to Nursing Assistant recruits:
- A highly professional work environment with good growth opportunities and self-satisfaction.
- Unmatched pride in serving the country and mankind.
- All round personality development which helps them to a large extent to become good leaders and lead a successful life.
- Free medical treatment for self and dependents.
- Canteen (CSD) facilities.
- Membership in premier clubs and Institutes
- Physical and mental fitness through sports and adventure.
- Place of duty that spans the entire country as well as abroad. This gives them and their families a lot of exposure which is an essential part to succeed in today’s competitive world.
- Leave travel concession (LTC), concessional air and rail travel, and free railway warrants for self and dependents.
- Plenty of opportunities for self & spouse to make an excellent contribution to society.
Life in Military Hospitals
The life of a nursing assistant in the army is both challenging and rewarding, at the same time.
As medical professionals, Nursings Assistants are commissioned into the Army Medical Corps (AMC). The environment and spirit of Military Hospitals make them a great place to work. Everyday medical professionals in Military Hospitals face different challenges and it is very satisfying to overcome these challenges with minimum ease. Overall, it is an enriching career. Satisfaction does not come from money, it is a feeling that develops in you when you serve the needy and ultimately serve the motherland. Life in Military Hospitals is unique where you end up not only being a Nursing Assistant but also a battle-hardened soldier. It is very satisfying and rewarding to serve those who serve the nation.
How to prepare for Army Nursing Assistant and Soldier NA Vet?
To prepare for the Soldier Nursing Assistant Physical Test and Common Entrance Examination (CEE), candidates need to put in hard work and do planned systematic study. Shaurya Bharat Defence Exams Learning App is a complete guide for students preparing for the Soldier Nursing Assistant examination. The app contains videos of experts that provide very useful tips and guidance to students preparing for the Physical Fitness Test. The Shaurya Bharat app provides a complete framework to students preparing for the Soldier Nursing Assistant examination. It offers e-books, video lectures, and highly interactive live classes that help students to study the content very well.
As far as practice is concerned, the app provides practice tests and live exams for students. The app also provides a doubt box where students can raise their doubts. The expert faculty team of Shaurya Bharat answers their doubts within 24-48 hours.
For more details about Soldier Nursing Assistant notifications released by the Indian Army and to apply online, log on to https://joinindianarmy.nic.in/default.aspx
To know more about the Shaurya Bharat app and the courses offered logon to https://shauryabharat.com/
For details regarding Soldier Technical Nursing Assistant, visit https://shauryabharat.com/indian-army/army-nursing-assistant-army-na/
Use the following link to download the Shaurya Bharat app – The best digital platform to prepare for the defence services examination: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.shauryabharat