About Sainik School
Sainik Schools are one of the best schools in India that follow the CBSE pattern. These are fully residential co-educational schools. The Sainik School Society, an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Defence, Government of India, runs and manages these schools. At present, there are 33 Sainik Schools operational in India. Recently, the Ministry of Defence, Government of India, has approved 21 new Sainik Schools across various states of India. 10 new approved Sainik Schools started operating in May 2022. For the academic session 2023-24, 18 of 21 newly approved Sainik Schools took admission on the basis of AISSEE 2023. Hence, we can say that there is an increase in opportunities for kids dreaming of studying in Sainik Schools and ultimately serving the country as Officers in the Indian Armed Forces. In this post, we discuss the detailed syllabus AISSEE 2024 class-6 for the academic session 2024-25.
Sainik Schools are one of the most prestigious educational institutions in India. These schools train kids to join as officers in Indian Armed Forces. They academically, physically, mentally, and emotionally prepare and groom kids so that they are ready to become officers in Indian Defence Forces – Army, Navy, and Air Force.
Common Entrance Exam for Sainik School Admission 2024
National Testing Agency (NTA) will conduct the Sainik School entrance exam i.e. the All India Sainik Schools Entrance Exam (AISSEE) 2024 in January 2024. The exam takes place to offer admissions to deserving young boys and girls into Sainik Schools across the nation. The students who pass the AISSEE exam get admission in classes VI and IX in all Sainik Schools. It is a national-level exam that takes place every year. The idea of developing public schools for boys and girls hailing from different backgrounds was conceived by the then Defence Minister Shri V.K. Krishna Menon in 1961.
The NTA (National Testing Agency) will conduct the Sanik School entrance exam for class 6 in January 2024 for the academic session 2024-25. To prepare for any competitive exam, one must know the complete syllabus to get an idea of what to study and focus on. In this post, we provide the Sainik School syllabus Class-6 for AISSEE 2024 for your ready reference. For any further details, you may refer to https://shauryabharat.com/elite-schools/aissee-all-india-sainik-school-entrance-exam/
Syllabus AISSEE 2024 Class-6
Syllabus AISSEE 2024 Class-6: English
S. No. | Topic | S. No. | Topic |
1 | Comprehension Passage | 14 | Sentence Formation |
2 | Preposition | 15 | Antonyms |
3 | Article | 16 | Synonyms |
4 | Vocabulary | 17 | Adjectives |
5 | Verbs and type | 18 | Interjection |
6 | Confusing words | 19 | Idioms and phrases |
7 | Questions tags | 20 | Collective nouns |
8 | Types of sentence | 21 | Number |
9 | Tense forms | 22 | Gender |
10 | Kinds of Nouns | 23 | Adverbs |
11 | Kinds of Pronouns | 24 | Rhyming words |
12 | Correct spelling | 25 | Singular/Plural |
13 | Ordering of words in a sentence |
Topics covered in class 6: Hindi
S. No. | Topic | S. No. | Topic |
1 | गद्यांश | 13 | क्रिया विशेषण की पहचान |
2 | विशेषण की पहचान | 14 | वचन बदलना |
3 | संज्ञा के भेदों की पहचान | 15 | अर्थ के आधार पर वाक्य भेद |
4 | मुहावरे | 16 | वाच्य परिवर्तन |
5 | श्रुतिसम्भिन्नार्थक शब्द | 17 | सर्वनाम की पहचान |
6 | अशुद्धिशोधन (वाक्य) | 18 | काल |
7 | विलोम शब्द | 19 | लिंग बदलना |
8 | पर्यायवाची शब्द | 20 | वर्ण विचार |
9 | संधि | 21 | वाक्य विचार |
10 | समास | 22 | लोकोक्तियाँ |
11 | क्रिया | 23 | वर्तनी शुद्धि |
12 | उपसर्ग | 24 | प्रत्यय |
Topics covered in class 6: General Knowledge
S. No. | Topic | S. No. | Topic |
1 | Different Types of Scientific Devices Used in Daily Life. | 15 | Concepts on Mountain Terrain and Lifestyle |
2 | Icons and Symbols of India: National Insignia, National Emblem, Sports, Animal, etc. (Elementary awareness of such symbols) | 16 | Historical Monuments |
3 | Major Religions of India (Elementary awareness about the founder, place of origin, religious books, and important ideas) | 17 | The shape of the Earth and Gravitation (Basic concepts) |
4 | Art and Culture (Music, Classical and Folk Dance); Renowned Personalities, Instrumental and Vocal Music, Major Dance Forms | 18 | Non-Renewable Energy Sources (Fossil Fuels) |
5 | Defence (Equivalent Ranks in three services, Weapons, Aircraft, Missiles &Warships (Elementary awareness) | 19 | Food, Culture, Habitat, Languages, etc of various regions (Basic concepts) |
6 | Sports and Games (India & World). Renowned personalities, major competitions, and trophies associated with various games | 20 | Names of young ones of different animals |
7 | Super Senses (How do plants and animals sense their surroundings) | 21 | Functions of Body Parts of Plants and Animals |
8 | Relationship between Animals and Human Beings | 22 | International Organizations: Basic knowledge about the structure, functioning, and objectives of the United Nations, World Bank, etc. |
9 | Taste and Digestion (Basic concepts) | 23 | Indian Literary and Cultural Personalities: Names and fields of achievements |
10 | Cooking and Preserving Techniques | 24 | Indian Literary and Cultural Awards. (Names of the awards and recent recipients) |
11 | Germination and Seed Dispersal | 25 | Natural Calamities (Flood and Earthquake) |
12 | Traditional Water Harvesting Techniques | 26 | Evaporation, Condensation, and Water Cycle (Basic concepts) |
13 | Experiment with Water in Everyday Life | 27 | Life of Farmers (Farming techniques) |
14 | Water Pollution and Microbial Diseases | 28 | Tribal Communities and Forest Produce |
Topics covered in class 6: Mathematics
S. No. | Topic | S. No. | Topic |
1 | Natural Numbers | 14 | Conversion of Units |
2 | LCM and HCF | 15 | Roman Numerals |
3 | Unitary Method | 16 | Types of Angles |
4 | Fractions | 17 | Circles |
5 | Ratio and Proportion | 18 | The volume of Cube and Cuboids |
6 | Profit and Loss | 19 | Prime and Composite Numbers |
7 | Simplification | 20 | Plane Figures |
8 | Average | 21 | Decimal Number |
9 | Percentage | 22 | Speed and Time |
10 | Area and Perimeter | 23 | Operation on Numbers |
11 | Simple Interest | 24 | Complementary and Supplementary Angles |
12 | Lines and Angles | 25 | Arranging of Fractions |
13 | Temperature |
Topics covered in class 6: Reasoning
Questions on Intelligence will be based on analogies (mathematical & verbal), patterns (spatial and mathematical), classification, visual, logical, reasoning, etc.
Cracking the AISSEE 2024
The Sainik School Entrance Exam is a tough nut to crack. The standard and competition are way higher than one could think. Getting admission into Sainik School is the dream of thousands of young boys and girls. However, only a few are able to turn this dream into reality. Admission to Sainik Schools is not an easy task. Success requires hard work, dedication, and perseverance on the part of students. Besides these qualities, students also need good content, an expert and dedicated team of faculties, and a lot of practice. Here, Shaurya Bharat can be a perfect guide to students. Firstly, it possesses all the above-mentioned ingredients for success. Secondly, Shaurya Bharat is the best online platform for students preparing for the Sainik School entrance examination. The Shaurya Bharat app provides the best content in form of live classes, video lectures, and e-books.
Only content is not sufficient for success in a competitive examination, particularly for the Sainik School exam as there is fierce competition here. The app offers topic-wise practice tests and pattern-based live exams. The live exams are based exactly on the pattern of the main examination. This gives students a well-required practice and a look and feel of the main examination. It makes them well-equipped to handle the pressure of the examination and overcome it with minimum ease.
Useful Links
To know more about the Shaurya Bharat app logon to https://shauryabharat.com/
For more information about the Sainik School entrance exam class 6 log on to https://shauryabharat.com/elite-schools/aissee-sainik-school-class-6/
For more information about the Sainik School entrance exam class 9 log on to https://shauryabharat.com/elite-schools/aissee-sainik-school-class-9/
To download the detailed notification, submit the online application and download admit card log on to https://aissee.nta.nic.in/
Use the following link to download the Shaurya Bharat app – The best digital platform to prepare for the Sainik School entrance examination: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.shauryabharat