About Sainik Schools
Sainik Schools are one of the best schools in India that follow the CBSE pattern. These are fully residential co-educational schools. The Sainik School Society, an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Defence, Government of India, runs and manages these schools. At present, there are 33 Sainik Schools operational in India. Recently, the Ministry of Defence, Government of India, has approved 21 new Sainik Schools across various states of India. In this post, we throw light on the Medical Test for Sainik School for AISSEE 2023 for the academic session 2023-24.
10 new approved Sainik Schools started operating in May 2022. For the academic session 2023-24, 18 of 21 newly approved Sainik Schools will take admission on the basis of AISSEE 2023. Hence, we can say that there is an increase in opportunities for kids dreaming of studying in Sainik Schools and ultimately serving the country as Officers in the Indian Armed Forces.
Sainik Schools are one of the most prestigious educational institutions in India. These schools train kids to join as officers in Indian Armed Forces. They academically, physically, mentally, and emotionally prepare and groom kids so that they are ready to become officers in Indian Defence Forces – Army, Navy, and Air Force.
Medical Examination – Final Step of Admission Procedure
All candidates seeking admission to the Sainik School need to undergo Sainik School medical test by a Board consisting of military / civil doctors. The health and medical fitness standard are the same as that for the NDA Examination. Keeping in mind the tender age of the boys, however, no standards of height, weight, and chest measurement are applicable at the time of admission. The decision of the Medical Board conducting the Sainik School medical test is final and binding, except in a case where representation is made to the Principal. For more details about the Sainik School entrance exam log on to https://aissee.nta.nic.in/
Points for candidates to take care of for the Sainik School Medical Test
- The minimum acceptable visual standards are as follows:
Standard I: Distant Vision (uncorrected) 6/6 (Both eyes)
Standard II: Distant Vision- Better eye 6/18 Worse eye 5/18 Correctable to 6/16 6/19. - Myopia should not exceed minus 1.5 including astigmatism.
- Manifest Hypermyopio should not exceed plus 2.5 including astigmatism.
- Visual Fields to be full in each eye.
- Binocular vision and stereopsis should be good.
- The color blindness should not exceed CP-III
- Mild Trachoma State III or IV with a regressive corneal pannus of not more than 1 to 2 mm may be accepted in the opinion of the specialist, exacerbation of deterioration is not likely.
The medical board will also ensure that:
- There is no evidence of weak build, imperfect development, critical malformation, or obesity weight should not be greater than the upper limit laid down in the standard scale for 11 years/14 years.
- The age restriction is between 10-11 years/13-14 years
- The development of the function of the bones or joints should be normal.
- There is no impediment of speech like stammering etc.
- There should be no deformity of the head, defects from fracture, or depression of the bones of the skull.
- The child must not suffer from impaired hearing, discharge from the ear, disease of either ear unhealed, or perforation of the tympanic membrane. There should be no signs of acute or chronic suppurative otitis. A soundly healed perforation without any impairment of the mobility of the drum and without any impairment of hearing should not be a cause of rejection.
- There is no disease of the bones or cartilages of the nose or nasal polypus disease or of the nasopharynx and accessory sinuses.
- There are no enlarged glands in the neck or any other part of the body and the thyroid gland is normal. Scars on a person for removing tuberculous glands are not a cause for rejection provided that there has been no active disease within the preceding 5 years and the chest is clinically and radiologically clear.
- There is no disease of throat palates, tonsils, or of gums disease or injury affecting the normal function of either mandibular joints. Simple hypertrophy of the tonsils, if there is no history of attacks of tonsilitis, is not a cause of rejection.
- There should be no sign of functional or organic disease of the heart and blood vessels.
- There is no evidence of pulmonary tuberculosis or previous history of this disease or any other chronic disease of the lungs like Asthma etc.
- One does not suffer from any disease of the digestive system including any abnormality of the liver and spleen.
- There is no hernia or tendency thereto.
- There is no hydrocele or definite varicocele or other diseases or defects of the genital organs. A candidate operated upon for hydrocele will be accepted if there are no abnormalities of the cord and testicle and there is no evidence of filariasis.
- There is no fistula and/or fissure of the anus or evidence of hemorrhoids.
- There is no disease of the kidney; All cases of Albuminiuria and Glycosure will be rejected.
- There are no diseases of the skin of allergic nature like eczema that are likely to cause disability or marked disfigurement. These are a cause for rejection.
- There is no active, latent congenital venereal disease.
- There is no history of evidence of mental disease. Candidates suffering from epilepsy incontinence of urine or enuresis will not be accepted.
- There should be no squint of the morphed condition of the eye or of the lids.
- There is no active trachoma or its complications.
Way to sure shot success in Sainik School entrance exam
The Sainik School Entrance Exam is a tough nut to crack. The standard and competition are way higher than one could think. Getting admission into Sainik School is the dream of thousands of young boys and girls. However, only a few are able to turn this dream into reality. Success requires hard work, dedication, and perseverance on part of students. Besides these qualities, students also need good content, an expert and dedicated team of faculties, and a lot of practice. Shaurya Bharat Defence Exams Learning App thoroughly prepares students for the entrance examination of Sainik School. The app is a perfect guide for students. Firstly, it possesses all the above-mentioned ingredients for success. Secondly, Shaurya Bharat is the best online platform for students preparing for the Sainik School entrance examination. The Shaurya Bharat app provides the best content in form of live classes, video lectures, and e-books.
Only content is not sufficient for success in a competitive examination. This is particularly true for the Sainik School exam as there is fierce competition here. The app offers topic-wise practice tests and pattern-based live exams. The live exams are based exactly on the pattern of the main examination. This gives students a well-required practice and a look and feel of the main examination. It makes them well-equipped to handle the pressure of the examination and overcome it with minimum ease.
Removing the digital barriers
Above all and most importantly, Shaurya Bharat has successfully narrowed the gap between digital classes and classroom studies. It has removed the myth that online coaching is not a feasible mode of study and that offline classes are essential for success. The result of the AISSEE 2022 exam proves that Shaurya Bharat’s online classes have been instrumental in shaping the careers of a large number of students. For the result of the AISSEE 2022 visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecAvH3JrWEU
To know more about the Shaurya Bharat app logon to https://shauryabharat.com/
To know more about the Sainik School entrance exam log on to https://shauryabharat.com/elite-schools/aissee-all-india-sainik-school-entrance-exam/
Use the following link to download the Shaurya Bharat app – The best digital platform to prepare for the Sainik School entrance examination: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.shauryabharat