Date of JNVST 2022
The JNV entrance test is scheduled for 09th April 2022. To prepare for any competitive exam it is important to know the complete syllabus. This in turn helps to do a more focused study rather than using the hit and trial method. Here in this post, we present the JNV class 9 syllabus for your ready reference. The JNV class 9 syllabus will help you to cover each and every type of question asked in the examination. To know more about Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalay log on to https://shauryabharat.com/elite-schools/jawahar-navodaya-school/
Composition of JNV selection test
The JNV entrance test for class 9 consists of four sections:
- English (15 Marks)
- Hindi (15 Marks)
- Maths (35 marks)
- Science (35 Marks)
It is a two-and-a-half-hour duration test consisting of 100 questions. The maximum marks for the examination are 100.
About the JNV Entrance Test for Class 9
Section 1 – English
In this section, questions based on the following topics are asked:
- Comprehension (Unseen Passage)
- Word and Sentence
- Structure Spelling
- Rearranging jumbled words
- Passivation
- Use of degrees of comparison
- Modal auxiliaries
- Use of prepositions
- Tense forms
- Reported speech
Section 2 – Hindi
In this section, students need to study the following topics:
(क) भाषिक अनुप्रयोग और व्याकरणिक कुशलताएँ
- वर्ण विचार / वर्तनी विवेक
- शब्दभेद (स्त्रोत / उत्पत्ति)
- पर्याय / विलोम
- शब्द विवेक (शब्द प्रयोग मे सूक्ष्म अंतर)
- पद भेद (व्याकरणिक कोटि) की पहचान
- पद परिचय
- अशुद्ध वाक्य को शुद्ध करना
- वाक्य रचनान्तरण (सरता / संयुक्त / मिश्र)
- मुहावरा
- लोकोक्ति
(ख) अपठित बोधात्मक प्रश्न
Section 3 – Science
In this section, students need to study the following topics:
- Food – Crop Production and Management; Micro-organism; Food Preservation
- Materials I – Synthetic fibers; Plastics; Metals and Non – metals
- Material II – Coal and Petroleum; Refining of Petroleum; Fossil Fuels; Combustion and Flame
- Living / Non-living; Cell Structure and Function; Conservation of Plants and Animals – Wildlife Sanctuary and National Parks
- Reproduction – Asexual and Sexual Reproduction, Reaching the age of adolescence
- Force – Frictional Force; Gravitational Force; Thrust and Pressure
- Light – Reflection of Light; Multiple Reflection; Human eye; Care of the Eyes; Sound; Human ears; Loudness and Pitch, Audible and inaudible Sounds
- Chemical Effects of Electric Current; Electroplating
- Natural Phenomena – Lightning; Earthquakes, Pollution of Air and Water
- Solar system; Stars and Constellations
Section 4 – Mathematics
- Rational Numbers
- Squares and Square Roots
- Cubes and Cube Roots
- Exponents and Powers
- Direct and Inverse Proportions
- Comparing Quantities (Percentage, Profit and Loss, Discount, Simple and Compound Interest)
- Algebraic Expressions and Identities including Factorization
- Linear Equations in One Variable
- Understanding Quadrilaterals (Parallelogram, rhombus, rectangle, square, kite)
- Mensuration: a) Area of plane figures b) Surface area and volume of a cube, cuboids, and cylinder
- Data Handling (Bar graph, pie chart, organizing data, probability)
Way to success in JNVST 2022
Success in JNVST requires consistent hard work and practice. There is no shortcut to success. One needs to thoroughly understand the above topics and do regular practice. Here comes Shaurya Bharat Defence Exams Learning App to your rescue. The app provides state-of-the-art comprehensive content, well-compiled practice sets, mock tests, interactive live classes, video lectures, doubt box to help you prepare well for the exam. The experienced and dedicated teachers guide the students very well. They motivate children to do their best. To download the app use the link https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.shauryabharat