JNV Entrance Exam
In accordance with the National Policy of Education (1986), the Government of India started Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas (JNVs). Presently JNVs are spread out in 27 States and 08 Union Territories. These are co-educational residential schools fully financed and administered by the Government of India through an autonomous organization, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti. The primary admission in JNVs is made through the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya Selection Test (JNVST) to Class VI. In this post, we provide all details related to JNV Admission Notification 2024-25 for Class 9 like dates, eligibility, exam date, etc.
Objectives of the Scheme
- To provide good quality modern education including a vital component of culture, inculcation of values, awareness of the environment, adventure activities, and physical education to talented children predominantly from rural areas.
- To ensure that students attain a reasonable level of competency in three languages.
- To promote national integration by migrating students from Hindi to Non-Hindi Speaking States and vice-versa.
- To serve in each district as a focal point for improving the quality of school education in general through sharing experiences and facilities.
JNV Admission Notification 2024-25 for Class IX
In order to optimally utilize the infrastructure and other facilities available in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas, it has been decided by the Samiti to fill the vacant seats in Class IX. Admission will be made on the basis of a selection test, which will be conducted by an external agency as per the policy of NVS. Online applications are invited from eligible candidates for admission to Class IX, only against the vacant seats, likely to be available in JNVs during the academic year 2024-25.
Salient Features of Navodaya Vidyalaya Scheme
- Good quality modern education to talented children predominantly from rural areas.
- Co-educational and fully residential, from Class VI to Class XII.
- Location – usually in rural areas.
- Free education including board and lodging, Uniforms, Text Books, Stationery, etc.
- Affiliated to CBSE.
- Implementation of Three-Language Formula.
- The medium of instruction in JNVs is the mother tongue or regional language up to class VIII and after that English for Mathematics & Science and Hindi/English for Social Science. Students of JNVs appear for board examinations of CBSE.
- 30% of students in Class-IX from a Vidyalaya located in Hindi Hindi-speaking area spend one academic year in a Vidyalaya in a non-Hindi-speaking area and vice versa to promote national integration through understanding of the diversity and plurality of the country’s culture and people.
Eligibility in JNV Admission Notification 2024-25 for Class 9
- Only those candidates who are bonafide residents & studying Class VIII during the Academic Session 2023-24 in one of the Govt./Govt. recognized schools of the district where the Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya is functioning and where admission is sought, are eligible. The district of residence and district of class VIII study should be the same with respect to candidates who desire to apply for admission to class IX (session 2024-25) in the JNV located in the same district.
- Candidates appearing for the admission test must qualify/ pass Class VIII in the academic session 2023-24 from a Govt./Govt. recognized school in the district where he/she is seeking admission. The students who have already passed class VIII in previous academic sessions are not eligible. The date of Birth of the candidate must be between 1st May 2009 to 31st July 2011 (both days inclusive). This is applicable to all categories of candidates including those who belong to the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes.
- Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti reserves the right to refer any candidate to a MEDICAL BOARD for confirmation of the age of the candidate, in case any doubt arises about the age on the basis of the certificate produced by the candidate before confirmation of admission.
- Only Indian Nationals, who are studying Class-VIII in India are eligible to apply.
The selection Test for admission to Class IX is scheduled on Saturday, the 10th of February 2024 in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya of the concerned district/ any other center allotted by NVS.
How to apply for admission in Class-IX in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya
- The candidate can fill out the online application form directly on the NVS website http://www.navodaya.gov.in. The last date to apply for class IX Lateral Entry Selection is 31st October 2023.
- Candidates/ parents have to go through the notification cum prospectus and ensure the fulfillment of eligibility criteria. Please note that the selection test is against the vacant seats only, subject to the availability of accommodation in the JNV concerned.
- The following documents in soft form (JPG format of size between 10 to 100 kb) must be uploaded during online application:
- Photograph
- Signature of parent
- Signature of candidate
How to prepare for the Entrance Examination of JNV?
Getting admission into an elite school like JNV requires thorough preparation. The Shaurya Bharat app provides the right guidance to students preparing for the JNV entrance exam 2024 for Class 9. The team of Shaurya Bharat is a perfect mentor for students and provides the right direction and path to follow for success.
The Shaurya Bharat app is a perfect guide for students. Firstly, it possesses all the above-mentioned ingredients for success. Secondly, Shaurya Bharat is the best online platform for students preparing for the RMS entrance examination. The Shaurya Bharat app provides the best content in the form of live classes, video lectures, and e-books.
Only content is not sufficient for success in a competitive examination, particularly for the JNV exam as there is fierce competition here. Additionally, the app offers topic-wise practice tests and pattern-based live exams. The live exams are based exactly on the pattern of the main examination. This gives students a well-required practice and a look and feel of the main examination. It makes them well-equipped to handle the examination pressure and overcome it with minimum ease. Regular practice helps students in developing their speed and accuracy.
Important Links
To know more about the Shaurya Bharat app logon to https://shauryabharat.com/
For more information about the JNV entrance exam log on to https://shauryabharat.com/elite-schools/jawahar-navodaya-school/
To download the detailed notification, submit the online application and download the admit card log on to https://navodaya.gov.in/nvs/en/Home1
Use the following link to download the Shaurya Bharat app – The best digital platform to prepare for the Sainik School entrance examination: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.shauryabharat